Last updated 2 years ago
Station: A place to make products.
Building: Field, cage, storage
Field: A place to grow crops.
Cage: A place to raise animals.
Storage: A place to store products.
Phase 1: Farming
Tool: Used to gain various effects including speedup production.
Decoration: Used to decorate your land.
Avatar: Player-controlled character.
Costume: Used to change the appearance of characters, pets, stations, buildings.
Pet: Lovely animal to befriend with (Dog, cat, mouse, bird, turtle, rabbit, ...).
Phase 2: Battling
Gear: Equip on the characters, companions to increase stats.
Companion: A fighting-spirit animal that assits you in battle.
Mount: A mount that moves fast and carries items.
Land: The area where the player builds the farm and exploit resources.
Weather: Special climate that affects production and battle.